STEP 6. Click Finish when installation is successful. Set folder to C:\Program Files (x86)\ TradeStation 9.5\Program.

STEP 5. On the " Installation Folder" step, you'll be prompted to select the folder you want the TAS Indicators files to be installed into. Set folder location to: STEP 4. Follow the on-screen instruction on the setup window by keep hitting Next. STEP 1. Visit the indicator installation page for Tradestation at You're done and the TAS Navigator will appear on the chart's pane 2.Learn how to properly install TAS Indicators on Tradestation 9.5 Quick Guide PART 1 - Installing TAS Files STEP 11 FINISH SETUP: Click OK to apply changes and close the Customize Studies & Strategies window. STEP 10: Check Default to use any changes that you made as your default setting. STEP 9: Select the Scaling tab, change the Scale On to “ Right Axis” and Sub-graph to 2. STEP 8: Check Default to use any changes that you made as your default setting. STEP 7: Change TSI type to Histogram and Weight to the 3rd thickness. STEP 6: Change vsMA & Sideways' type to Points and Weight to the 3rd thickness. STEP 4: Select the TAS Navigator and click Format… STEP 3: Right-click again on chart, select Format Analysis Techniques. Either the indicator will not appear on the chart or the TAS Navigator is not showing correctly on the chart. STEP 2: Select Indicator tab, select TAS_Navigator on the list and click OK. STEP 1: Add the TAS Navigator on the chart by right-clicking any space on the chart and selecting Insert Analysis Technique. To setup Navigator on TradeStation you will need to modify the settings for TSI, Sideways and vSMA only. THE CURE:Follow the step-by-step instructions provided below to setup the TAS Navigator into the correct format in Tradestation 9.5. THE CAUSE:During installation of the TAS Indicators, the TAS Navigator were installed not formatted as default in TradeStation 9.5. THE PROBLEM:When attempting to add the TAS Navigator to the chart, the format is different from the manual.